How to make an uninteresting life interesting

How to make an uninteresting life interesting is a matter of mentality. For me, whether it’s during a meal or any other time, I always raise a toast. I say, “Congratulations!” even while eating. Then the staff at the restaurant ask, “Is there something to celebrate?” But I reply, “The fact that I can have a drink is the celebration.” When playing games, whether winning or losing, it’s a celebration. Because I’m alive, you know? Whether it’s winning or losing, it’s possible because I’m alive. I just want to have fun. Earlier, Yoko Oshida published a book, so I said, “Let’s have a book launch party.” When I suggested that, she replied, “No, it’s not necessary.” Don’t say something that dampens the mood! (laughs)

Even from such small seeds, they can grow into something big. I’m having a party in Tokyo, and 350 people will gather there, and they will all be excited. Yesterday, I said, “Today is the party,” and someone said, “What kind of party?” (laughs) Any kind of party is fine. When we gather like this, everyone gets excited, right? Let’s get excited about various things.

We got to have the parties in several prefectures, you know? It’s not about saying, “No thanks.” Let’s all get excited together. The truth is, life is not really that interesting (laughs). Well, that’s my conclusion after a long time. Let’s live an interesting life, let’s make it interesting.

“Oh, Hitori-san, your stories are interesting!” That’s because I talk interestingly (laughs). Let’s make everything interesting, let’s have a festival. Then life becomes enjoyable.

Some say, “I’m always getting scolded by my boss.” But how about we turn it into a game and guess what the boss will say next? Everyone can gather and have fun with that. That’s why the question of how to make an uninteresting life interesting is a matter of mentality. It’s not like there are no unpleasant things. There are plenty of unpleasant things.

People say to me, “You always seem to be having fun.” But I have plenty of unpleasant things too, really. Because if you run a company nationwide, there are lots of conflicts, you know? But I never say “I’m so fed up”. Whether you say it or not is important. But I don’t get stumped at all. It doesn’t matter if it’s an argument or anything else, the one who says, “I give up,” loses, you know? (laughs)

To become happy, you need to use your heart, mind, and positive words. I’ve been sick since I was little, and that’s why I achieved Marukan(Hitori-san’s company). Receiving handicap means you’re excellent. That’s my opinion (laughs). In golf or anything else, excellent people receive handicap. So, I have a tremendous handicap. God tells me to become great. Even if it’s not accurate, it doesn’t matter. I don’t really know if it’s accurate or not (laughs).

However, if you keep thinking, “Why do I have this handicap? Why is it so hard and painful? Why me?”, are you happy? I hate unhappiness the most in Japan. That’s why I don’t want to feel unhappy even for a second. I want to switch. I want to switch anytime. Then life becomes enjoyable, and that’s a conclusion I reached after experiencing many unpleasant things. Even if there are 100 unpleasant things, they won’t all disappear. But if they decrease by 10, it makes a difference. If it’s 100 degrees, it will boil, but at 90 degrees, it won’t. People will break when they boil. Aren’t there a lot of unpleasant things? Avoid them and stay happy. Even if you say you hate them, you still have to go to work tomorrow, right?

No matter what happens, if you can switch and feel happy in yourself, you have a great mental attitude. When something unpleasant happens, you can think, “God gave me a trial! He’s trying to make me better.” I don’t know if god really gives us trials to make us better(laughs). But if you feel better and brighter when you think that way, then it’s definitely right. Don’t use your mind, heart, or words to make yourself unhappy. You understand? Use your heart, use your mind, use positive words to make yourself happy.

If you need to heal a mental illness, you also need to intake nutrition. Please say words of happiness. When you say words of happiness, your anxiety disappears. If it still doesn’t go away, then it’s an anxiety disorder. Really, it’s true. I say it because I really want to.

When it comes to the human body, if you have a well-balanced diet, your immune system becomes strong, and you won’t be defeated by pathogens. However, if you have nutritional deficiencies, you become vulnerable to pathogens and can’t cope with external threats.

The same thing happens in the mind. If someone says something negative about you or your parents say something, or your husband says something, it wouldn’t bother you when you are in good health, right? I truly believe it’s a matter of the nutrition. If you have a proper nutritional balance, most people can recover from such situations.

First, try saying heavenly words. If it works and heals you, that’s great. But if it doesn’t, then it’s a nutritional issue. Some people suffer from anxiety and only think negative thoughts, even when people around them treat them well. I think it’s a nutritional problem.

Recently, many people suffer from depression, and before they get depressed, they always say, “I’m going on a diet.” Then they stop eating meat and only eat vegetables. But if you eat a piece of meat, for example, you have to eat a mountain of vegetables to turn it into an alkaline state in your body. You’re not a cow, so you can’t eat that much. Korean people who are used to eating meat always eat sour foods with it. They eat kimchi together with meat. Kimchi is rich in lactic acid bacteria, and it becomes sour, so it helps to digest meat. Chinese people also eat a lot of meat, but they take vinegar. If you eat meat like that, you can’t eat only vegetables and be one-sided.

When I go to Europe, they serve meat with lemon. In Japan, if someone loves meat, they tend to neglect vegetables and only focus on eating meat. That’s unbalanced. Now, when someone says that meat is bad, they start eating only vegetables.

Some say they want to stick to the diet of the past, but back then, people used to die at the age of 50. Remember that. Nowadays, people don’t die at 50, right? They live to 80 or 90. Yet, if you ate the same diet as people did in the past, you would become as old as those ancient people. When we were kids, someone at the age of 50 was considered really old. Seriously. So, it’s important to eat things like meat properly, take seaweed, and have pickled foods to balance the blood, so that we can stay young.

Thank you very much.

