[Saito Hitori] People can’t live happily by always seeking fairness

The lack of equality in this world is due to the differing spiritual journeys of individuals

I’ll discuss the theme that God doesn’t desire equality. There’s a necessary mindset for people to be happy. If someone always desires fairness, they can’t live a happy life. For instance, consider being born in Japan. Even though being born in Japan might seem like it would lead to happiness, some women are born beautiful while others aren’t. This is not fair. Even studying at the same school, some excel while others don’t. From a broader perspective, some are born into war zones. In reality, there’s no true equality in this world. Do you understand?

Even if born to the same parents, some might feel unloved. Regarding these as unfairness or disadvantage makes the heart unable to find happiness. Regardless of belief, human souls are reborn multiple times. (You don’t have to believe this) Souls come to this world for spiritual growth. They’re born where their soul needs to be, in order to progress. Through various experiences, they ascend. This is why souls and their journeys differ.

If there were true equality, only one soul would suffice; the rest would be unnecessary. Being born in Japan, to specific parents, at this particular time is just right for that individual. Once, communism emerged, striving for equality. Ironically, it created extreme inequality. The Communist Party members had privileges, while the rest suffered. Though they aimed for equality, only a select few benefitted. You see, trying for equality doesn’t always work out.

Only opportunity is equally given

Hence, when we desire equality, it means equal opportunities. It’s not about being born a samurai, farmer, artisan, or merchant, but having an equal chance to study, become a merchant, or even a CEO. Yet, those who don’t work hard can’t become CEOs or salarymen without effort. Equality means equal chances. Wanting more than that leads to suffering.

Insisting on equality won’t lead to happiness

If you want happiness, consider that God doesn’t desire equality. Remember, some die young, while others die old surrounded by family. Jesus, though sinless, was crucified in Christianity. Equality isn’t guaranteed by demanding it. You should think about your happiness and that of others.

Talking about precise equality can lead to comparisons and jealousy. Saying that one sibling received more toys than another. This happens. Equal talk can lead to such situations. Those who demand equality often don’t do things to earn affection. Instead, saying things to make people happy will get you loved. People who smile tend to benefit.

Even in business, things aren’t equal. Someone championing equality may not buy shoes from a disliked shop. While preaching equality, they don’t always practice it. Reflecting on these aspects is crucial for success and happiness. This concludes the discussion on equality.

