【Saito Hitori】 People are loved by the heavens

When you become too attached to yourself, mistakes happen

The story I’m going to talk about now is titled “People are loved by the heavens.” Once you understand this, you’ll think, “Ah, I see, can one become this happy so easily?” I’ll be talking about that. Um, first, it’s a bit unrelated, but it will connect eventually, so please listen.

In this world, there are things you should be attached to and things you shouldn’t be attached to. Like, when you watch TV or something, there are crimes like murder, but surprisingly, a lot of them are about breakups. And both sides end up saying things like “I’m right” or “You’re right,” but you shouldn’t be too attached to the other person.

What I mean is, even if you argue about who is right or wrong, if the relationship turns sour, it’s fine to part ways. So, you shouldn’t be too attached. You shouldn’t be attached to who is right or wrong, but when you ask what you should be attached to, it’s about attaching yourself to the idea of “It’s good if the other person is happy, I want to make people happy.”

So, you should try your best for that person to be happy, right? If the other person will be happy when you part ways, then go ahead. So, you should be attached to the idea of the other person’s happiness. That’s what I want to say.

Um, being attached to your work is necessary. It’s okay to be fully committed to your work, but when you ask what you shouldn’t be attached to, it’s about being attached to the old ways. Your work gets profitable when it serves others. However, if it’s not profitable, you shouldn’t be attached to the old ways. You always have to come up with new ways. You shouldn’t be too attached.

By the way, why do people become attached to strange things? Being attached to their own opinions. Even in love affairs saying things like “I really want you to be by my side,” in the end, they are attached to themselves. What I’m saying is, “In this world, if you become too attached to yourself, mistakes happen.”

Don’t be too attached to yourself, share your love with those around you.

So, with this tape as well, what is the message of “People are loved by the heavens”? You are attached to yourself, but in reality, you are protected by God. Understand? Let me tell you how much you are protected. You are breathing right now, but you’re not consciously trying to breathe, right? You’re inhaling without thinking about it. But after a while, you’ll probably start feeling hungry. And when you feel hungry, it’s designed so that you know you’re hungry. Understand?

Then, your body automatically digests and absorbs the food you eat, it turns into urine or feces and leaves your body, right? You’re not putting in any effort. Even without effort, your body properly digests and absorbs things. When you want to pee, you pee! When you want to poop, you poop! Got it?

Next, you sweat, right? When it’s cold, you say, “It’s so cold.” You automatically put on clothes when it’s cold, and take them off when it’s hot, right? Generally speaking, you are designed to function like that without needing to pay much attention. Understand?

So, in addition to that, in terms of the things other than that, in terms of love, instead of loving yourself too much, you are loved by God. You should love those around you.

When you try to appear important and talk, people won’t listen

Often, there’s this question like, “Are you gaining something by putting in tapes like this so diligently?” Honestly, there’s nothing like that. I’m not trying to sell anything. So, it’s about attachment, but you know, there are people who listen well to Saito Hitori’s talks, but there are also people who can’t get their conversations heard. The reason for that is they try to sound important or speak in a condescending manner. So, they’re trying to make themselves appear great through the conversation.

There’s a significant difference between someone who speaks earnestly for the other person’s sake and someone who speaks to make themselves seem important. You don’t need to do that because heaven loves you, so if you just do what you can for those around you, that’s enough. Do you understand?

Heaven loves me. So, the excess energy should be used to help others. You know, saying things like, “Don’t think about yourself, think about others,” and then someone might say, “I don’t want to do something that seems worthless,” but that’s exactly why you don’t have a penny to your name.

So, “How much would you have to receive to tell a story that would impress others?” If someone said, “I’ll give you hundred dollars, so go ahead and talk,” you wouldn’t be able to come up with a good story. So, instead of saying meaningless things, do things that make others happy. Understand?

Just as trees sprout new leaves, humans can generate new words no matter how old they get.

Earlier, even at work, there are people who say things like, “Our company has an old culture,” or “Well, I’m old.” But humans are evolving creatures. You know, even a tree that has been standing for a thousand years, like the Jomon cedar, doesn’t have the same leaves as last year. They don’t have the same leaves as a thousand years ago. “The thousand-year-old camphor tree, this year’s unchanged young leaves,” like this, new leaves sprout. It’s leaves for the tree, right? And for us, it’s words.

These words are like leaves. But if you keep saying the same things as last year, you’re like a dead tree. If new and fresh words are always coming out, even old companies can be vibrant. Vibrant companies always come up with new words, you know?

Since we are loved by heaven, using heaven’s love and our own power for others. If you believe you’re loved by heaven, then think a little about those around you. Do you understand?

So even fashion, there’s a difference between someone who only thinks about themselves and someone whose fashion doesn’t make others uncomfortable and actually makes people positive. The difference is that someone who isn’t good at it might say, “How’s this fashion of mine?” and boast about it to others, only thinking about how to surpass them. Wanting to outdo others comes from the reason that you’re attached to yourself.

Since you’re already loved by heaven, you don’t need to go to such lengths to love yourself. So, show affection to those around you. And another thing, every year, don’t say things like “I’m getting older” or “How many years have passed,” okay?

Even trees sprout new leaves, so especially as the supreme beings of all creation, humans, always try to use fresh, youthful, and vibrant words that would make others think, “Wow, that’s beautiful!” That’s something we, who are loved by heaven, can do.

Well, this tape might have become a bit incoherent, I’m not sure, but for now, because I (Saito Hitori) am speaking earnestly today as well, let’s listen to it about a hundred times as a gesture to that, okay? Alright.

