The story of “Universe Savings – Attracting Good Things by Accumulating Charm”

There is gravity on Earth, and humans have their own charm.

Now, let me tell you about “The Story of Universe Savings.” Are you ready? It’s a very good story. This story is about how anyone who hears it becomes successful. It’s impossible to succeed without knowing this. However, once you know it, you cannot fail. That’s the deal.

It’s a story about charm. It’s strange that no one noticed this until now. But for some reason, I knew it since I was a child. The reason I didn’t talk about it was that I didn’t know how to explain it properly. Even if I explained, people wouldn’t believe it. As a result, it would be futile to say it. Only when I became the richest person in Japan, or the wealthiest in the world, and said it for the first time, would someone believe it. Most people wouldn’t believe it even if I became the richest in Japan. That’s the kind of story it is.

So, what does it mean? It means that there is something called charm in this world. Some people are charming, and some are not. What is charm? That’s the question. Broadly speaking, charm is similar to gravity. It is said that there is gravity on Earth, but that’s not quite right. Earth exists because there is gravity.

In the universe, there were dust and various substances flying around. There was one thing with high gravitational force that attracted them, and as they stuck to it, its gravitational force became stronger. The Earth was formed as more and more things stuck around it. If there were no gravity, the Earth would fall apart again. That’s how it works, right? It’s such a simple story. And similarly, there is something called charm. There is gravity on Earth, and there is charm in humans.

When you do charming things, it accumulates as universe savings.

So, what is charm? The good thing about charm is that you can add to it later. You can become charming to any extent. On the other hand, you can also lose your charm to any extent. For example, there’s an ordinary guy. He looks ordinary, but when you hear that he was top of his class at Keio University, your perspective changes, right? If someone says, “His father is the mayor of Osaka,” or “He’s an only child with no mother,” gradually, more and more charming stories emerge. Do you know what makes something charming? It’s about adding positive elements; that’s what makes something charming.

So, what is human charm? In simple terms, suppose our company has a cosmetic product called “Face Power,” and it has a charm level of 10,000 points. If a person with a human charm level of 10,000 points sells it, the charm level becomes 20,000 points, and it sells very well. On the other hand, if there’s a person with a charm level of minus 10,000 points, it offsets, and the charm level becomes zero, so the sales won’t go up. That’s why there are people selling the same thing, but some succeed and some don’t. It’s all about the difference in charm levels.

Charm is about adding good things. In simple terms, it’s about whether what you’re saying right now is charming or not. For example, there are people who lack charm. Those without charm say extremely unattractive things. For instance, saying “It’s a recession,” once is fine. But if you keep saying it repeatedly, it becomes unattractive. Talking about bad politics or bad bureaucrats, well, I don’t know if they’re bad, but if you keep saying it all the time, you won’t be charming. Instead, saying something like, “Even in a recession, people still buy things, and some places are prospering, so I need to work hard,” is more charming, right? If you say something charming, what happens? You create charm savings. When you say something charming worth 500 points, there’s something called cosmic savings in the universe, and it adds 500 points to it. But if you say something negative, it will retreat.

Universe savings come with an incredible interest rate.

If you go to a good university, it adds 100 points. But if you boast and belittle others who didn’t go there, it’s minus one million points. Minus one million points. Even though you only got 100 points for going to the university, you’re at minus one million points. So you end up with debt instead of savings in cosmic savings. However, if you’re not showing off or boasting, but instead say things like “I’ll do what I can,” or “I’ll write this,” and do various things, you become a good person. Then you get plus one million points. Cosmic savings come with an enormous interest rate. That’s why people who always have good things happening to them are accumulating charm savings. It’s what’s stored in the universe.

They say, “You have to smile all the time.” Some people only smile when a customer comes. So, they lack charm. If you only smile when a customer comes, it means you only smile when you get paid. You don’t smile for free, right? Such people definitely lack charm, like minus one million points. The ones who always smile and the ones who only smile when they get paid are entirely different. The ones saying such things are at minus one million points. However, those who say charming things like, “Even in a recession, people still buy things, and there are customers coming to this place too, so I have to work hard,” accumulate charm savings, and the cosmic savings start to add up. People who have a lot of cosmic savings don’t encounter bad things; only good things keep happening.

Whether you’re in a bad location or not, if you have charm, people will come.

Now, what’s wrong with the location? Even if you’re in a bad location like the Sandogasa Falls, people will come if there’s charm in the cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms won’t come to see us, right? When there’s something exceptionally charming, people will come, even in the mountains. Don’t blame it on the location; you lack charm. Why don’t people come to see you, even though there are cherry blossoms that people come to see? It’s because you lack charm. Understand?

I was just doing a makeup tutorial. When you put on makeup and look beautiful, people find you charming. If you become charming, you become happy, right? But the one who did makeup for someone else, who made ten people beautiful, and received ten “thank you’s” in return, that person’s charm savings would skyrocket. When charm savings go up, good things keep happening. Why do some shops prosper while others don’t? Why do they sell the same things, but the sales are so different? People may say this and that, but it’s not about that. It’s because they lack charm. If they had charm, people would come. Everything will go where there is charm.

So, even if you think, “I want to attract people and have a successful business,” if you lack charm, people won’t come. Minus one million points! That’s the problem.

What’s important is that when you think about what you’re saying and doing, are you charming or not?

