The Way to Happiness①

I will teach you how to become happy. It’s incredibly simple.

Don’t change anything. Don’t desire anything. Just think that you are happy as you are right now. You might think that it’s about knowing contentment, but it’s not such a shallow conversation. This is a profound discussion. It has a depth of 30 centimeters(lol). It’s a very deep conversation. It’s deep enough not to cause any harm(lol).

Please don’t think at all like, “I wish my fingers were a little smaller” or “I wish my legs were 10 centimeters longer.” Our CEO Emiko has incredibly long legs. Once I asked her, “Emiko-san, what do you think would happen if my legs were 10 centimeters longer?” She replied, “You would just be normal.”(lol) That’s not the answer I was hoping for, like becoming a model or something. You understand, right? “Just being normal” may be an accurate answer, but it’s not good enough. In school, you can get a perfect score if you have everything right, but life doesn’t work that way(lol).

“I wish things were like this” or “I wish things were like that” is simply complaining. When you live while complaining, you attract the same energy you emit. So the biggest reason why you keep experiencing unhappiness or can’t find happiness is because you have dissatisfaction with the present moment. Instead of that, think, “I’m glad I was born in Japan (my own country)” or “I’m glad I could have a meal today.” By thinking in that way, you attract happiness. Today, I woke up and felt happy. There are many people who didn’t wake up.

When humans say, “I’m happy without desiring anything,” many good things come to them. It’s all about energy. Let me give you an analogy. When you say, “I’m lonely,” you attract a lonely man. You attract the same energy you emit. Some people may say, “It’s good when two lonely people come together and are happy, right?” They may say, “Congratulations” or something, but being lonely plus being lonely is doubly lonely.

I’m unhappy, and when I think, “I wish someone would make me happy,” a man who thinks the same thing comes to me. Then we get married. We both have high expectations of each other. But soon our dreams are shattered, and we are left with a bloody battle. You see, if you believe that you can be happy even without getting married, you attract that kind of person. Happiness plus happiness is double happiness.

